Australia India Youth Dialogue

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Simon Rowell

Simon Rowell works for Big Society Capital, the world’s first social investment bank, on strategy and market development. Within this role, he works with universities, think tanks and consultants to develop market-leading research, lobbies national and EU governments on the social investment policy and manages strategic projects to help develop a sustainable social investment market to provide affordable finance tocharities and social enterprises.

Prior to Big Society Capital, Simon worked as a corporate lawyer for Linklaters LLP advising large investors and multinational companies on their strategic activities, capital raisings, joint ventures and restructurings through Europe and Asia, including high-profile transactions in India. In addition, he has helped develop long-term strategy and stakeholder coordination as part of the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG). He has also recently worked on promoting education reform within the Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet in Canberra. Simon holds a Master in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School where he focused on emerging international models of public service reform and delivery. He also has dual degrees in Commerce and Laws from the University of Queensland. Simon is passionate about Australia’s foreign policy and relationships within the Asia-Pacific region and loved travelling extensively throughout India and Asia. As a cricket tragic, he is particularly looking forward to engaging with our Indian colleagues at the second Dialogue.