Gina Rushton

Gina Rushton is a journalist at BuzzFeed News where she covers issues which affect Australian women including reproductive rights, health, violence, politics, science and crime.
She is a 2019 Our Watch fellow, a program administered by the Walkley Foundation to help improve reporting on violence against women.
Gina won the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Media Excellence Award in 2018 for her coverage of abortion access issues.
In 2019, she was a finalist for the Australian Human Rights Commission media award for her ongoing coverage of abortion law reform in Queensland.
Prior to joining BuzzFeed News, Gina worked as a reporter for The Australian newspaper.
Her non-fiction writing has been published in MeanjinThe Saturday Paper and The Lifted Brow.


The Australia India Youth Dialogue (AIYD) is the pre-eminent track-two young leaders’ dialogue between Australia and India.


Dr. Shireen Morris


Jasmin Craufurd-Hill